I have finished my residency and my ever-enduring spouse helped me schlep all my supplies and equipment back home. Being an artist is difficult, but I am always amazed when artists don’t have the support of their spouse. He makes a huge difference to me and helps to keep me going. It was with a catch in my chest that I bid the school goodbye and drove down the hill.
Now the work truly begins. I have created positive momentum through my residency. I made 91 originals in that time and progressed with my medium and artistic technique in ways I never understood I could. I know the colors in my pastel box better so I can with confidence know the color I need and where to find it and or replace it. I now know what I am doing to achieve my signature style and communicate on a 2-dimensional format, the emotion and image I am creating. My studio is being set up with tools that I previously wanted but have begun to understand I needed (we built a framing table). I am currently distributing my work in new places and focusing on where I want to go from here with a confidence that I was lacking 6 months ago.
If you ever question whether focused effort has its rewards, don’t. The investment of scheduled studio time has reaped unexpected rewards in my career. Now I get to see where I can go from here. Next week, Jodi and T will organize 30 pieces that I have done specifically for the Spokane Art Schools gallery opening on my behalf. I haven’t seen them laid out as a whole body, I only did them and tucked each one away for the show. It will be like unwrapping Christmas for me. At the same time, I will be opening at another gallery in the Kendall Yards district. The William-Grant Gallery will be hosting me as a guest artist for the month of October. On the 12th of the same month, I will be doing the Oldfield Fine Art Show in Puyallup. Finally, the JCC in Post Falls will also be hosting some of my work with other artists starting the 18th. Not only do I have enough work, but there is enough good work to be at all these events. Whew!
Think hard about where you invest your time, it is valuable. Don’t underestimate what your time is worth and when you can nail an image efficiently and effectively recognize it isn’t luck. That takes investment and hard work to get to that place. To the Spokane Art School, I am ever grateful. Now it is up to me not to squander what you have bestowed on me.
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the Spokane Art School Artist-in-Residence, and not necessarily to the Spokane Art School.