Art by T Kurtz

The headlines scrolled across my TV today as I wondered what the new day would bring. “Recession Looming” is the one that stood out to me and I rolled around the complications in my head. As a person that is trying to make my money in art, I am always watching for economic indicators. Mini skirts, car sales, buttered popcorn, unicorns…. The list goes on and on. Ultimately, a professional artist will tell you that the worst thing to appear on the horizon for art sales; an election. Elections effect sales more than anything else.

What does that mean for me? I look at my shows and think about what ones need to be culled, what ones need to be considered and which shows I need to wait for. That is only the business part however; the job of creating art, needs to go on. You don’t grow in technique, ability or style by waiting for the sales to happen. This isn’t like building toys that you stockpile, or canned food. You will end up losing touch with some of the fine abilities if you don’t use them. The best thing for an artist to do is to figure out a safe way to store the work they create. Pull back on framing and mounting and only present the best you have when you do take your wares out before the public.

Market ups and downs happen, we all long for the financial “stability” of the 80’s but even that came to an end. I can’t wait for the 80’s to happen, I need to create and grow now. I recommend setting yourself up for success right now. This is a good time to polish your display, work on your inventory and research where you want to go in 2 years after the election is over. You will need to apply for those “special shows” in one year so you need to be at your best. Take some time to think about where you want to be in 2 years and how you want to get there and polish your plan.

I guess the key to strange economic times is to just keep creating. The key to good economic times is, just keep creating. If you do nothing else, keep working as an artist. Don’t let uncertain financial times dictate what and how you create. Stay true to who you are and your craft. When the market is ready for you, you will be polished and ready for it. I am an artist and that means I have no political opinion whatsoever. Politics and religion have no place on the sales floor, nor should you share the crisis of your life either. Art, art, ART! That is what should be in your display and on your sales floor. Economics will roll on as the world keeps spinning, watch what you want to keep an eye on and hold your opinions close to your chest. Be an artist and help everyone escape from the trying times by standing in front of your art.

Trust me, when things are crazy; I just want to have a happy place to go to. Let that happy place be what the collectors find in your creations. So keep making art, make a plan and watch for mini-skirts and unicorns. Sounds strange? Well I’m an artist, I get to be strange. Lol