For Adult Students
Wednesdays, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m.
March 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025
An introduction to the venerable, versatile medium of oil paint. We begin by painting a simple landscape together, after which students move on to their own projects. On the first two days, we cover the materials, color theory and how to handle the paint. After that, students work on their own projects, with much one-on-one with the instructor. Drawing experience is recommended but not essential.
Oil Painting with Tom Quinn Supply List
Colors Professional quality paints are far preferable to “student grade,” which ironically are harder to paint with than professional paints.
Brands to avoid are Winsor & Newton Winton, Grumbacher Academy, Gamblin 1980, and Daler-Rowney Georgian.
One good kit is the Gamblin Artist Oil Color Set of 9. Essential colors not in the kit are phthalo blue and burnt sienna.
Another good kit is the Blick Studio set of 10 colors. Not in the kit is phthalo blue, an essential color.
If you are buying water-soluble oil paints, be sure all your colors are water-soluble.
These are the necessary individual colors:
- Titanium White (Usually sold in 5 or 7 ounce tubes. Ask if they have it in 2 ounce. Do not buy zinc white)
- Ivory Black
- Yellow Cadmium Medium. If that’s not available, Hansa or Azo Medium
- Phthalo Blue
- Ultramarine Blue
- Dioxazine Purple
- Cadmium Red Light
- Alizarin Crimson
- Raw Sienna (if unavailable, you can substitute yellow ochre)
- Burnt Sienna
- Raw Umber
- Burnt Umber
- Phthalo Green
Mediums Turpenoid Natural. Green label only, not blue label! Look for the words “Non-Toxic” and “Non-Flammable” on the container.
No mineral spirits or turpentine.
No solvent is necessary if your paints are water-soluble.
Linseed oil, poppyseed oil, or walnut oil, in the smallest container available. Walnut oil is much cheaper in supermarkets than in art supply stores.
Brushes The Silverwhite brand is ideal. All brushes should be nylon—no hog’s hair or sable. Because there is as yet no standardization in brush sizes, numbers vary from one manufacturer to another. You should have:
At least 3 flats: Silverwhite #2 flat, #4 flat, and #6 flat or equivalent in other brands
2 round brushes: Silver Brush Silverwhite #1 or equivalent size and Silver Brush Silverwhite #2 or equivalent. Silver Brush Silverwhite #0 is optional
No angle brushes or fan brushes
Surfaces Canvas is ideal. Canvas panels are the least expensive format. Ideal sizes are 8 x 10, 9 x 12, and 11 x 14. Unprepared surfaces will need priming with acrylic gesso. I can provide a demonstration on how to construct your own stretched and primed canvas.
Palette Wooden palettes are light and inexpensive. Disposable paper palettes are convenient, but they can be messy when paint gets between the sheets. A small glass panel with the edges filed smooth or protected with heavy tape also works well. Glass palettes are easy to keep clean, but they’re heavy and expensive.
Palette Knife Metal, not plastic, and preferably trowel-shaped.
Vessels The best vessel is the Silicoil jar, which comes with a coil at the base. It is sold in conjunction with the Silicoil’s proprietary solvent, but you can buy the vessel without it. Another good option is the Speedball Mona Lisa cleaning tank, with a dome of chicken wire inside.
*Pre-registration is required for Art School classes; classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Students will be registered ONLY on receipt of payment. Enrollment requirements for all classes: 3 students minimum. Classes with low enrollment are cancelled 48 hours before the class is scheduled to begin.
*Refunds and Cancellation Policies: If a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, a full refund will be issued. Refunds or class credit will not be issued for any other reason than cancellation of a class due to low enrollment.