I got turned down by Cherry Creek, again. Cherry Creek is a very nice art show in Denver CO during July and I have been trying to get in for a few years; well, 2 years. When you are doing shows and applying, rejection is just part of it all. I will admit, it gets frustrating and discouraging. Cherry Creek, Lake Oswego, Art in the Pearl, Art in the High Desert, the list is long and prestigious. I keep trying, why?
You never get through that closed door unless you knock. You will never be told yes unless you ask. You can’t make opportunities by sitting on the couch and you will never, ever get anywhere without giving it a try. Perseverance and endurance are key to being a professional and despite the failures and rejections, I keep pushing forward. Make new goals, find new friends, try new things and ask even if I’m are tired of hearing/reading the word no.
Remember the kid who asked and asked and asked until someone said yes! Just to shut him up? There is truth to this technique but there is a trick: ask differently. My mom brought a wonderful man into our lives when I was in my 20s. He had been a staff sergeant in the Marines. He taught me that sometimes you just need to ask the right question of the right person and you need to think out of the box. He was flying out of a packed airport and the line was long. This was back when you had to be face to face to check in and get your ticket. He was flying, let’s say Horizon; and while standing in line he saw someone over at the Alaska desk. No one was in front of her, no one was flying out through Alaska yet that day. Denny looked at us and said, “Hold my spot.” He wandered over, chatted her up for a moment, passed over his ID and got checked in for his flight. Later he told me that the systems were all connected. They might not be now, but it was an interesting lesson. It never hurts to ask.
So, I’m gonna press on. I applied for 2 shows the weekend of Cherry Creek and I might get a second no but, I can assure you I will get a yes somewhere else. It may not be for that weekend, but I will have a busy summer. It is going to be so busy with shows elsewhere that getting an extra weekend off will be a blessing. I applied for another show in Denver, 2 weeks later; watch me, I’m going to get to Denver one way or another. In other news, I have a friend who lives near the Cherry Creek art show. She is going to investigate what is going on because she says I’m just too good for them to ignore me. Gotta love my friends.