As a follow up to my post on social media, we’re now going to discuss ways on how to navigate the online art world in a mindful way. Working for a nonprofit myself, I spend a lot of time online. I make all our social media posts and online materials. So, I realize firsthand what a time bog social media can be. This is a tricky area to navigate as an artist, because most of us would rather be using the time to be making art. As a result, here are some tips to make social media manageable and perhaps even enjoyable at times.

  1. Set limits
  2. Follow happiness
  3. Don’t compare
  4. Post about what you care about

First things first. In order to prevent social media overload, you must set limits. For me, I set a time on my phone. For others, I know they have a rule where they can’t go on Facebook/Instagram during certain times of the day. Secondly, in order to make social media enjoyable, you should follow the things you enjoy. For me, this means following other artists on Instagram. I also follow a few close family and friends, yet I keep this limited. I think some people feel this obligation to be friends with everyone they know. The fact of the matter is, you don’t. Thirdly, don’t fall for the comparison trap. I’ll be honest in that this issue does not affect me much, however I know it does for others. Again, I think the key for me is using social media to follow the things I love and find inspiring, rather than using it to keep track of my peers. As a result, comparison is not an issue. This brings me to my last tip: post what you care about. Not only should you follow the things you love, you should post about the things you love. While it’s easy to craft a persona or certain aesthetic on Instagram, it’s no fun when you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. For me, I love my art practice, my family, and plants—so that’s what my social media entails. Don’t sweat having the perfect “brand.” Social media is slowly shifting. People want imperfection. They want authenticity. So, take a step back, and use social media for you. Not others.

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in this blog belong solely to the Spokane Art School Artist-in-Residence, and not necessarily to the Spokane Art School.